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-> Palms & Cycads

Palms of Subequatorial Queensland

Author: Robert Tucker

To most Australians, Cape York Peninsula is still regarded as the last frontier in Northern & Eastern Australia. It is still one of the world's wild places and only in recent years has it become remotely accessible to adventure seeking tourists. It is an area full of climatic and ecological contradictions and contains a land mass close to the size of the state of Victoria. It's isolation somehow becomes its attraction especially for lovers of tropical vegetation types.

No fewer than 20 palm species exist in the area, some of which still require further taxonomic study. The region also contains a biological oddity in that a single specimen of Borassus exists within the study area, at Somerset and has been responsible for rumours that this genus is indigenous in Queensland. Several intra genus oddities occur within Ptychosperma and Archontophoenix and these are addressed in this publication. Are they new species; are they variants or are they purely due to the effects of differing climatic conditions over an extended period of influence?

The study area palm flora has been addressed over a number of years by other authors but not until now has the area been given the long overdue emphasis of a complete and detailed study. To this end, the Palm & Cycad Societies of Australia have realised that a need existed for this study and thus was born our inaugural publishing project.

The semi-technical nature of the writings is deliberate, it is meant to appeal to a wide audience, from purely lovers of palms to growers of Australian plants in general, as well as researchers

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Specific Details

Hardcover: 94 pages
Title: Palms of Subequatorial Queensland
Author: Robert Tucker
Publisher: Palm & Cycad Societies of Austrailia
Date: 1987
ISBN 10: 0958793107
ISBN 13:
Language: English
Weight: 0 lbs 11.0 ounces

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